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UZH Center for Crisis Competence

Energy Shortage

The Executive Board of the University is preparing for a possible energy shortage in the cold season. It has set up anenergy shortage management team. The team analyzes the situation on an ongoing basis.

Scientific advisory group

In October 2022, the UZH also formed an interdisciplinary scientific advisory group with representatives from the Academy. It will advise the Executive Board of the University and assist in drawing up measures. The group is coordinated by the two heads of the UZH Center for Crisis Competence (CCC), Prof. Dr. Frank Rühli and Prof. Dr. Alexander Wagner.

Members of the scientific advisory group

Coordination und management

  • Prof. Dr. Frank Rühli, MeF/MNF: Evolutionary Medicine
  • Prof. Dr. Alexander Wagner, WWF: Finance

Scientific collaboration

  • Dr. Malte Baader, WWF: Behavioral Economics
  • Prof. Dr. Björn Bartling, WWF: Behavioral Economics
  • Dr. Walter Bierbauer, PhF: Psychology
  • Prof. Dr. Adrian Jäggi, MeF/MNF: Evolutionary Medicine
  • Prof. Dr. Daniel Kübler, PhF: Political Science 
  • Dr. Harald Mayr, WWF: Behavioral Economics
  • Prof. Dr. Johannes Reich, RWF: Public Law, Environmental Law, Energy Law
  • Dr. Baiba Renerte, WWF: Behavioral Economics 
  • Prof. Dr. Anne Scherer, WWF: Marketing, Psychology
  • Prof. Dr. Jan Schmutz, PhF: Applied Team Research 
  • Prof. Dr. Urte Scholz, PhF: Psychology 
  • Prof. Dr. Verena Schünemann, MeF/MNF: Evolutionary Medicine 
  • Prof. Dr. Rolf Sethe, RWF: Private/Commercial/Business Law
  • Prof. Dr. Tarkan Tan, WWF: Sustainable Operations Management 
  • Dr. Achim Vollhardt, MNF: Physics, Electronics 

Communication und administration

  • Karin Meier, CCC
  • Chantal Spale, CCC